Information & Media

Information & Media

eISSN 2783-6207
Information & Media continues Informacijos mokslai (1392-0561, 1392-1487).

Aims and Scope. Information & Media is an academic diamond open access journal which publishes peer-reviewed scholarly papers in the wide field of information and communication sciences. The journal strives to be developmental in its review process and culture. Editorial Board and reviewers seek to help authors develop their work to the best of their ability.

Information & Media invites innovative, interesting and rigorously developed conceptual and empirical contributions and encourages interdisciplinary research. It is inclusive in terms of level and unit of analysis, theory, method and philosophical and research approach.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to: media technology; media management; information systems and management; management of technology and innovation; information and knowledge management; information and knowledge society, its legislative, technological, cultural and economic aspects; organisational communication; gender communication; international and intercultural communication; media culture.

Publication frequency - two volumes per year. Publications become available online as soon as they are finalised. Acceptance Rate 5%. Days to First Editorial Decision - 21. Days to Accept - 168. 

Languages. The journal accepts articles in Lithuanian and English.

Charges. The journal does not charge article processing charges or submission charges.

Indexed in: BASE, Cabell’s directories of Academic Journals, CEEOL, CORE, Dimensions, DOAJ Seal, EBSCO, ERIH-PLUS, Google Scholar (h-index 7; g-index 11), HEAL link (Hellenic Academic Libraries Link), JUFO portal, Journal Scholar Metrics, JournalTOCs, Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Lituanistika, ROAD, Redalyc, ScienceGate, ScienceOpen, Scilit, Sherpa Romeo, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Scopus

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We are members of the The Initiative for Open Abstracts (I4OA) which is a collaboration between scholarly publishers, infrastructure organizations, librarians, researchers and other interested parties to advocate and promote the unrestricted availability of the abstracts of the world's scholarly publications, particularly journal articles and book chapters, in trusted repositories where they are open and machine-accessible.
The journal is a participant of Open Archives Initiative. The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) is a low-barrier mechanism for repository interoperability.

Sponsors. In 2009-2015 publication was funded by the Research Council of Lithuania according to The National Lithuanian studies development programme for 2009-2015 and Vilnius University.
From 2016 to 2019 publication was funded by the European Social Fund project Publication and Coordination of Scientific Periodicals (together with Lithuanian Academy of Science, project code Nr. 09.3.3-ESFA-V-711-01-0004) and Vilnius University.
From 2019 to 2022 publication was funded by Vilnius University.
In 2022-2024 publication is funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT) according to The National Lithuanian studies development programme (Agreement No.S-LIP-22-50) and Vilnius University.

History. Information & Media, known earlier as Informacijos mokslai, is a academic journal that disseminates peer-reviewed scholarly articles encompassing the broad arena of information and communication sciences. This academic resource is a product of Vilnius University Press.

Previous editors were (starting from the most recent) Vladislav V. Fomin, Elena Macevičiūtė, Zenona Atkočiūnienė, and Renaldas Gudauskas.

Originating on March 4, 1992 (as per certificate of establishment No. 389) as Informacijos mokslai, the journal emerged in congruence with the reformation of the academic journal publication framework at Vilnius University. The conception of Informacijos mokslai was the outcome of an initiative led by a group of Vilnius University scholars including Arūnas Augustinaitis, Romualdas Broniukaitis, Renaldas Gudauskas, Julija Čepytė, Vilija Gudonienė, Ala Miežinienė, and Marija Prokopčik.

The Senate of Vilnius University approved the first editorial board of Informacijos mokslai on October 27, 1994. The board was comprised of six key members: Arūnas Augustinaitis, Renaldas Gudauskas (in the capacity of executive editor), Vilija Gudonienė, Ala Miežinienė, Marija Prokopčik (executive secretary), and Pranas Zvinys.

Subsequently, on November 9, 1994, Informacijos mokslai was officially registered in the international register of serial publications, being assigned the ISSN register standard number 1392–0561. Shortly after, the inaugural issue of 1994 was launched, which officially saw publication in early 1995. This modest format publication, with a total of 6.44 author sheets and a distribution of 150 copies, started with a comprehensive introductory note by the Editor-in-Chief, provided in both Lithuanian and English, detailing the aspirations and scope of the journal along with anticipated content. The maiden issue comprised eight scientific and two informative articles, with foreign authors contributing to half of them. Starting 2007, Informacijos mokslai became accessible online, beginning with volume 40. The year 2021 marked a significant transition with the journal being rebranded as Information & Media and receiving a new ISSN number, 2783–6207. Notwithstanding the change in title, Information & Media continues the scholarly tradition and publication lineage of Informacijos mokslai (1392–0561, 1392–1487).

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