Discriminant analysis of Gaussian spatial data with exponential covariance structure
Kęstutis Dučinskas
Klaipeda University
Published 2005-12-18


spatial correlation function
exponential structure
actual error rate
expected error rate

How to Cite

Dučinskas, K. (2005) “Discriminant analysis of Gaussian spatial data with exponential covariance structure”, Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys, 45(spec.), pp. 343–346. doi:10.15388/LMR.2005.26677.


This paper considers the discrimination of the observation of the stationary Gaussian random field belonging to one of two populations with different means and covariance functions. Assumming that covariance functions has exponential structure, the unknown means and covariance parameters are estimated by ML method. Approximation of the expected error rate associated with Bayes plug-in discriminant function is derived.

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