Zacharij Niemcevski – professor of higher mathematics at the Vilnius university (1797–1820)
Evaldas Gečiauskas
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
Published 2023-09-21


professor of mathematics Z. Niemcevski

How to Cite

Gečiauskas, E. (2023) “Zacharij Niemcevski – professor of higher mathematics at the Vilnius university (1797–1820)”, Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys, 46(spec.), pp. 213–215. doi:10.15388/LMR.2006.30630.


Zacharij Niemcevski (1766–1820) was a professor of higher mathematics at the Vilnius university in the period from 1797 until 1820. He was a member correspondent of Societe Academique des sciences and Academie Imperial des Sciences de Turin. Niemcevski tought differential and integral calculus by the tracktate of S.F. Lacroix, analytic geomety – by J.B. Biot, and mechanics – by L.B. Francoeur.  His investigations on the Lithuanian language was published in the tractate of K. Malte Brun.

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