On intuitionistic branching tense logic with weak induction
Romas Alonderis
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
Published 1998-12-14

How to Cite

Alonderis, R. (1998) “On intuitionistic branching tense logic with weak induction”, Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys, 38(II), pp. 295–301 . doi:10.15388/LMD.1998.37921.


In the paper, the first-order branching tense logic calculus is given: LB J with the weak induction, that is to say with the axiom (A ∧ A O ☐ A) ⊃ ☐ A instead of the induction axiom (A ∧ ☐ (A ⊃ O A)) ⊃ ☐ A. The syntactical cut elimination theorem, Harrop's theorem and the interpolation theorem is proved here with respect to the LB J calculus.

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