Senieji (Old) Trakai: A Case Study of Environmental Transformation
Albinas Kuncevičius
Vilnius University
Inga Merkytė
Vilnius University
Justina Poškienė
Vilnius University
Regina Prapiestienė
Vilnius University
Rokas Vengalis
Vilnius University
Gintautas Vėlius
Vilnius University
Jonas Volungevičius
Vilnius University
Published 2018-12-20


Senieji (Old) Trakai
geophysical methods
ground penetrating radar

How to Cite

Kuncevičius, A. (2018) “Senieji (Old) Trakai: A Case Study of Environmental Transformation”, Archaeologia Lituana, 19, pp. 120–140. doi:10.15388/ArchLit.2018.19.7.


[full article and abstract in Lithuanian; abstract in English]

Extensive works of environmental transformations were carried out in the main administrative centers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania during the 13th–14th c. These processes reveal the potential of the Gediminid ruling dynasty. Development processes in the 13th–14th c. Vilnius are being researched and give essentially new data on the genesis of the capital. Nevertheless, similar works, which were carried out in the other administrative centers of the State (the historical capitals Kernavė and Trakai) are not investigated. This article seeks to present the case of the Senieji (Old) Trakai Castle and its settlement regarding the scale, character and presumable chronology of environment transformations. It seeks to systemize the previously obtained data on Senieji Trakai as well as to present the results of geophysical research, small-scale archaeological excavations and soil analysis, which were obtained in 2018. 



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