Straipsnyje nagrinëjama I. Kanto patyrimo samprata. Grindþiamas teiginys, jog Kantas patyrimą supranta labai siaurai – kaip technomokslinio eksperimento analogą. Tai reiškia, kad patyrimo kaip sandūros su
Transcendentiniu Kitu modelis galutinai atmetamas ir Kantas įtvirtina technomoksliną prietarà – kad vienintelis tikras patyrimas įmanomas tik laboratorijoje. Reikminiai žodžiai: patyrimas, technomokslas, mąstymas, būtis.
Arvydas Šliogeris
The paper deals with Kant’s concept of experience. It is argued that Kant treats experience rather narrowly – as an analogue of techno-scientific experiment. Such an approach excludes an option to treat experience as the encounter with the transcendent Other. By the same way the techno-scientific prejudice is established that the true experience is possible in laboratory only. Keywords: experience, techno-science, thinking, being.