Socium and Nature: Harmony or Conflict?
Česlovas Kalenda
Published 1999-09-29

How to Cite

Kalenda, Česlovas (1999) “Socium and Nature: Harmony or Conflict?”, Problemos, 55, pp. 118–123. doi:10.15388/Problemos.1999.55.6879.


The article develops an idea that the ecological situation of Earth's inhabitants depends on the ambivalent contents of the man's relationship with nature. Both pro-nature and anti-nature trends objectively emerge in this relationship in an open or hidden form, and the specific shape of their correlation determines the current condition of the “nature-society” system. It is the specific feature of the civilized mankind's existence that its survival is determined not by the fight against nature - as it had been in the Palaeolithic era - but rather by a peaceful coexistence of society and nature.


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