Can remote work during COVID-19 pandemic strengthen the link between workload and workaholism?
Modesta Morkevičiūtė
Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
Auksė Endriulaitienė
Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
Published 2021-11-22


work addictio
remote work

How to Cite

Morkevičiūtė, M. and Endriulaitienė, A. (2021) “Can remote work during COVID-19 pandemic strengthen the link between workload and workaholism?”, Socialiniai tyrimai, 44(2), pp. 129–138. doi:10.15388/Soctyr.44.2.8.


The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of the way of doing work for the relationship between workload and workaholism during COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 668 employees working in different Lithuanian organizations participated in a study. A sample included employees who worked in the workplace (= 331), as well as those who worked completely from home (n = 337). The levels of workaholism were measured using DUWAS-10 (Schaufeli et al., 2009). Workload was assessed with the help of the Quantitative Workload Inventory (QWI; Spector & Jex, 1998). It was revealed in a study that the higher levels of workload experienced by employees were related to the increased workaholism. It was further found that the positive relationship between workload and worka­holism was stronger in the group of complete remote workers. Overall, the findings support the idea that remote work is an important variable increasing a risk for workaholism especially for those employees who experience a heavy workload. Therefore, the ways of doing work must be considered when addressing well-being of employees.



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