Žurnalistikos tyrimai ISSN 2029-1132 eISSN 2424-6042
2021, 15, pp. 8–28 DOI: https://doi.org/10.15388/ZT/JR.2021.1
Katarzyna Jarzyńska
University of Warsaw
Abstract. Goal and theses: The article aims to check the applicability of methods based on processing large sets of information in research in social sciences.
Conception/research methods: The dynamic development of new research methods based on the automated processing of large data sets using artificial intelligence (AI) means that they are used in an increasingly wide range of disciplines, going beyond the field of exact and natural sciences. Text mining was combined with available CLARIN web applications and keyword extraction and analysis strategy, a combination of the YAKE! written in Python with the VOSViewer program for the visualisation of bibliometric networks.
Results and conclusions: The study showed how automatic keyword extraction creates opportunities in social science research. The use of CLARIN and Google Pinpoint web tools in the analysis significantly facilitates working with a large body of texts and accelerates its analysis.
Cognitive value/originality: The study indicates new research methods that can contribute to the development of social sciences. The perspectives for the implementation of the ways of dealing with large data sets are presented in work in research on society, and conclusions regarding the development of digital social sciences are formulated.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, big data, CLARIN, December crisis of 1970, Natural Language Processing
Santrauka. Straipsnio tikslas ir tezės: straipsniu siekiama patikrinti metodų, grįstų didelių informacijos rinkinių apdorojimu, pritaikomumą socialinių mokslų tyrimuose.
Koncepcija/tyrimo metodai: dinamiška naujų tyrimų metodų, grįstų automatizuotu didelių duomenų rinkinių apdorojimu naudojant dirbtinį intelektą (DI), plėtra reiškia, kad jie naudojami vis platesniuose disciplinų laukuose, peržengiant tiksliųjų ir gamtos mokslų sritis. Teksto gavyba buvo derinama su turimomis CLARIN žiniatinklio programomis ir raktinių žodžių ištraukimo bei analizės strategija, YAKE! parašyta Python kalba su VOSViewer programa, skirta bibliometriniams tinklams vizualizuoti.
Esminiai žodžiai: dirbtinis intelektas, didieji duomenys, CLARIN, 1970 m. gruodžio mėn. krizė Lenkijoje, natūralios kalbos apdorojimas
Received: 12/05/2022. Accepted: 12/12/2022
Copyright © 2021 Katarzyna Jarzyńska. Published by Vilnius University Press. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
As part of the research, an attempt was made to take an unconventional look at the historical monograph, the publication prepared as part of the series „Polska mniej znana 1944–1989.“1, edited by Marek Jabłonowski, Włodzimierz Janowski and Grzegorz Sołtysiak, entitled Kryzys grudniowy 1970 r. w świetle dokumentów i materiałów Komisji Władysława Kruczka i relacji obozu władzy2. Its text was subjected to statistical and quantitative research using significant data processing technology and artificial intelligence. This article aims to present the applicability of such methods in everyday research in areas beyond the natural and exact sciences.
The detailed objectives of the study undertaken include:
• checking the possibility of using automatic keyword extraction
• examining the use of CLARIN tools: CompCorp, Cat, Topic, LEM, Pelcra
• indication of the possibilities of the Google Pinpoint tool in research in the field of social sciences.
The analyses were performed using a corpus of documents from the book Kryzys grudniowy 1970 r. w świetle dokumentów i materiałów Komisji Władysława Kruczka i relacji obozu władzy. The study also covered off-source material, i.e. editorial comments and historical explanations. At an early stage of text processing, footnotes, bibliographies, indexes and tables of contents were removed.
After collecting the book excerpts in pdf format, a particular application was converted to text format, which is more relevant for the needs of natural language processing tools. The simplification of the text was achieved thanks to lemmatisation, i.e. the process of reducing words to their basic lexical form using the LEM (Literary Machine Explorer) – a tool created by the CLARIN (Common Language Resources & Technology Infrastructure) consortium, which is a pan-European scientific infrastructure that allows researchers in the field of humanities and social sciences to work conveniently with large corpora of texts. It was also used to remove the so-called “stopwords”, that is, the most common words in Polish that do not have a significant meaning for the content of the text and may distort the final result. The Tokeniser tool was used for text tokenisation, and the essence is to break it down into smaller lexical units that are easier for tools to analyse.
Among the methods for analysing texts (text mining) based on artificial intelligence (AI), it is possible to distinguish several that best meet the research needs of scientists dealing with scientific work within the disciplines included in the social sciences.
Keywords are “natural language words (expressions) used to describe the texts of the documents for their later retrieval.”3 (Babik, 2010, s. 77). A human can give them, most often the author of the work, manually or by a machine (artificial intelligence) in an automated manner. Automatic keyword extraction is done with YAKE! (Yet Another Keyword Extractor!), which is an unsupervised keyword extractor. It works on any text, extracting the essential terms from the studied corpus based on their occurrence frequency and coexistence.
VOSViewer is used to visualise automatically obtained keywords for individual documents in the form of a network of interrelationships. Thanks to bibliographic mapping and clustering, it allows generating graphs of dependencies between keywords obtained thanks to YAKE!.
The study also used several of the many web applications available under CLARIN. For this study, the CompCorp tool was used – it is used to compare the frequency of occurrence of lemmas in two corpora; Cat – enables the categorisation of texts; LEM – a multitasking application that enables the processing of literary texts; Topic – software that allows finding dominant topics in a given set of texts; WiKNN – an application that searches for expressions in the text that are classified in Wikipedia and gives them appropriate categories.
The possibility of using a free solution for document collections analysis – Google Pinpoint – available as part of the Google Journalist Studio service was also mentioned. Pinpoint converts text files of any format – docx, pdf, and photos into readable form by artificial intelligence. Based on sources uploaded in various formats, the machine designates people, places, and institutions and counts their occurrences in the created collection. It is an easy-to-use tool that can be successfully used even by people with low IT competencies.
Automatic keyword extraction was possible thanks to the YAKE! Tool, written in the Python programming language. They were selected from text collections based on their frequency and co-occurrence statistics.
The visualisation of the keywords extracted from the 1st part of the documents collected in the book was prepared in the VOSViewer program. Spheres mark individual words, and their size increases with the number of times that the word is found. The colours indicate clusters or thematically related groups of words. The lines between words define the connections among them, while their thickness determines the strength of the bonds linking the two lemmas.
Figure 1. A network of keyword associations
Source: VOSViewer.
The first red cluster focuses on the figures of Edward Babiuch, Stefan Misiaszek, Władysław Kruczek, the matters of the eighth plenum and the commission (Fig. 1). The second green cluster includes the figures of Lucjan Czubiński and Kociołek, conversations with workers in shipyards, obtaining information, and working in the field. The third blue cluster represents topics related to Gdańsk, Gdynia, decision making, the situation in the shipyard, the figures of Korczyński, Log-Sowiński and Cyrankiewicz. The last smallest yellow cluster refers to the highest authority residing in Warsaw – Gomułka and the Polish United Workers’ Party (PZPR).
The connections of words within one cluster indicate the thematic closeness of the designated keywords. Those whose visualisation in the form of a sphere has the most significant size represent the most dominant topics in a given cluster. The thickness of the lines shows the number of connections between specific lemmas. Numerous connections between different sets indicate the closeness of the issues included in all groups of words.
Figure 2. Density mapping
Source: VOSViewer.
Density mapping provides additional insight into the associations’ intensity (Fig. 2). The more intense the sphere’s colour with the word, the more often it appears and becomes associated with other words. In the analysed documents, the fundamental topic is the situation in Gdańsk and Gdynia in the shipyards. It is necessary to make some decisions, and there are also talks between the staff. The most important people participating in these events are Misiaszek, Kliszka, Kociołek and Czubiński. Gomułka is somewhat on the side of the situation, and it is indicated by the remoteness of the lemma representing him from the centre of the graph.
Figure 3. Network of connections with the lemma “stefan misiaszek”
Source: VOSViewer.
It is also possible to check with what words a given lemma represented as a specific “ball” is connected by clicking on it with the mouse cursor. Stefan Misiaszek is involved in the shipyards in Gdańsk and Gdynia, workers, matters of the eighth plenum, and committee deliberations (Fig. 3). On the other hand, the decision concerns a situation that is taking place in Gdynia and Gdańsk, there is a conversation about it, and some information is needed to make it (Fig. 4).
Figure 4. Network of connections with the lemma “decision”
Source: VOSViewer.
CompCorp is a tool offered by CLARIN for comparing linguistic features of corpora. It allows uploading any two text sets previously packed to the .zip archive format. Then, it compares them in terms of features such as the presence of characteristic (specific) multiword units or the company of grammatical tags (according to the NKJP tagset). It also considers the presence of particular vocabulary for given corpora, the presence of language that differentiates corpora, the presence of proper names, verb characteristics, and statistical features of corpora. Thus, it enables quick identification of linguistic features common to and differentiation between any two sets of texts.
The possibilities of the application were examined by comparing the two corpora of documents from the book Kryzys grudniowy 1970 r. w świetle dokumentów i materiałów Komisji Władysława Kruczka i relacji obozu władzy. Corpus A consists of documents from the first part of the book, and corpus B – documents from the 2nd part (Fig. 5). In corp A, the words decyzja, stocznia, sytuacja, Kliszka, Gdańsk, grudzień4 were the most common ones. The most common words in the B corpus were the words godzina, stocznia, grudzień, decyzja, Gdańsk, Kliszka, praca, sytuacja5. The convergence of lemmas allows for the formulation of a conclusion that the examined corpora contain documents on a similar subject.
Figure 5. Comparison of the most common lemmas in the A and B corps
Source: CompCorp.
CompCorp enables the detection of proper names in the text and divides them into categories: przymiotniki pochodzące od nazw własnych, budynki, istoty żywe, produkty (wytwory ludzkie), lokalizacje, pozostałe, organizacje i ich składowe, wydarzenia6. The number of occurrences of individual proper names in lemmatised form is measured statistically, their type, number of occurrences in the A and B corpus are determined, and the coefficient of differentiation of the occurrences of a given lemma in the analysed sets.
In corpus A (Fig. 6), the most common were living creatures (1800 appearances), locations (600 appearances), as well as organisations and their components (over 500 appearances). In the case of Corpus B, products predominated, i.e. human creations (almost 600 appearances), events (400 appearances) and other lemmas (over 300 appearances).
On this basis, we can initially determine that the A-corpus documents mainly relate to people, organisations associated with them, and the locations in which they are located. On the other hand, the B corps concerns with some events with which human creations are connected and other lemmas not defined by automation.
Figure 6. A and B corpus proper names statistics
Source: CompCorp.
Cat is a simple text classification tool. Any document corpus packed into a .zip archive can be analysed. The web application allows to group documents according to one of the following criteria:
1. thematic classification according to the model learned on the five Wikipedia clustering categories,
2. thematic classification according to the model learned on the press subject,
3. classification according to the similarity of the grammatical style to the style of one of the famous writers of the 20th century,
4. detection of language participation in the entire body.
Figure 7. The most common topics in the studied documents
Source: Cat.
For each document from the book under study, using the Cat tool, several topics were selected that dominate it (Fig. 7). Governance, social unrest, riots, conflicts and war, history and the executive power7 are the most frequently represented issues. Based on the categories obtained for the analysed texts, VOSViewer made a graph visualising the most frequently repeated topics and their most robust connections (Fig. 8). Each colour in the graph represents a separate cluster of related topics. The larger the circle, the more frequently the topic was represented, and the lines connecting the circles indicate thematic links.
The subject of the governance system represented by the red cluster is associated with social unrest, riots, conflicts and war, and social issues. The green cluster devoted to history shows its links with executive power, impeachment, art, culture and entertainment. The blue cluster focuses on topics related to people’s everyday life: football, insurance, crime, choices and consumer goods.
Figure 8. Visualization of the network of thematic connections
Source: Cat.
Topic is a tool that enables thematic modelling of collections of texts, thanks to their meticulous analysis. It allows the designation and extraction of a user-defined number of topics, i.e. topics from the analyzed text corpus. Thematic interpretation is based on activities on a group of texts, the result of which is the determination of distinct groups of words that determine their mutual occurrence in the entire set of documents, which are often semantically coherent.
The application allows entering the corpus of the examined texts in the form of a zip archive. The analysis results are available for review in visualizations and as files with data for download in JSON and xlsx formats. It is also possible to visualize individual topics in the form of graphic files with word clouds.
Figure 9. Thematic distance map for the documents from 1st part
Source: Topic.
For the documents from the 1st part of the book, a thematic distance map was made using the multidimensional scaling method (Fig. 9). Each circle represents a separate topic, and the distances between them – the issues – indicate how related they are. The object’s size determines its importance, and the numbers placed on the wheels are the numbers of successive topics chosen by the machine.
After clicking on the circle, it is possible to see what words make up a given topic and how often they appear in it and throughout the document (Fig. 10). When hovering the cursor over it, the tool generates a more graphically accessible word cloud for a given topic (Fig. 11). In the analyzed set of documents, topic 18, located in the centre of the distance map, was the most strongly represented. Among the key terms appearing there are lemmas: grudzień, Gdańsk, Gdynia, Kociołek, egzekutywa and stocznia.8
Figure 10. Lemmas that make up topic 18 in the analyzed set
Source: Topic.
Comparing the most strongly represented topics with each other can give a complete picture of the subject matter of the studied documents. The analysis of the issues whose graphical representation in the form of circles overlapping each other will allow us to isolate the related problems and draw appropriate conclusions in this regard.
Figure 11. Word cloud for the 18th theme
Source: Topic.
LEM, or Literary Machine Explorer, processes literary texts in Polish to extract statistical information from them. It enables the processing of text data from many files saved in various formats. Subjecting them to lemmatization and determining the parts of speech they contain is the central part of LEM. It also allows for characterizing the verbs used in the text, extracting statistics from the corpus, unifying the linguistic meaning, determining hypernyms and hyponyms, performing a stylometric analysis, and creating a sorted list of proper names.
LEM, or Literary Machine Explorer, is used to process literary texts in Polish to extract them from them. The last of these applications was used to examine the frequency of proper names in several selected documents from the analyzed book. After uploading the corpus of texts, LEM found the terms appearing in them, and it also determined their type, e.g. nam_liv – a living creature, nam_org – organization, nam_loc – place, nam_adj – adjective. They were then counted for each document separately. Thanks to this, it is possible to compare how often a specific person, place, event or organization is repeated in a given document.
Figure 12. Proper names statistics
Source: LEM.
In the analyzed fragments, the most common lemma was Gdańsk, with 110 occurrences (Fig. 12). There are many occurrences of this word in the third analyzed fragment, which may indicate that it describes the events in Gdańsk. Among the lemmas for living creatures, Wiesław is the most common, appearing with the same frequency as Gdańsk in the third of the analyzed fragments. We can conclude that the described person named Wiesław has excellent connections with Gdańsk in him. Among the organizations, the dominant lemma of the KC (Central Committee) is also the most frequent in the third analyzed fragment. The polski (Polish) lemma appears most often in the group of adjectives, also the dominant one in the third fragment. It may signal the connections between the words Gdańsk, Wiesław, KC and Polish, which are highly concentrated in the third document. Therefore it is worthwhile to refer to it for further analysis first.
WiKNN (Wikipedia K–Nearest Neighbors) is a web-based text classifier that allows processing texts in Polish and English. It checks them for the presence of Wikipedia objects in them and matches them with the appropriate category based on those existing in the online encyclopedia. Unique instances of the character are designated in the count column, and the category’s weight is specified in the weight column. Without reading the text, the analysis results prove that in the analyzed fragment of the book, four characters appearing in its content were members of the National National Council, three – presidents, three – deputy prime ministers of the People’s Republic of Poland (Fig. 13).
Figure 13. Categories designated for one of the examined documents
Source: WiKNN Classifier.
The tool also has a mechanism for generating keywords for the uploaded texts. It allows to sort them according to the calculated weight and frequency. Results for categories and keywords can be downloaded in JSON processable format. For the examined textx, the most important words are: członek, komisja, posiedzenie, pzpr, władysław and gdańsk9 (Fig. 14).
Figure 14. Keywords generated by the WiKNN Classifier for the examined document
Source: WiKNN Classifier.
Google Pinpoint is a free tool available as part of Journalist Studio from Google. Processes text documents in any format – docx, pdf, and also in the form of photos. It can recognize handwriting in scans, even in the case of poor quality old documents. It is also possible to upload mp3 files from which artificial intelligence automatically creates an exact transcription.
In the collection based on the uploaded documents in various formats, artificial intelligence designates people, places, and institutions and counts their occurrences (Fig. 15). After selecting passwords identifying a given person and spot, it is possible to check which documents appear together without manually checking the documents and reading them carefully. In addition to predetermined people, places or organizations, we can enter any word in the search bar and find it in the text.
Figure 15. Appearances of people and organizations in a set of documents in Google Pinpoint
Source: Google Pinpoint.
The article shows the possibilities of using methods based on new technologies and artificial intelligence in research in social sciences. The applied methods of text analysis (text mining) with the use of available CLARIN web applications made it possible to demonstrate the usefulness of these tools at the initial stage of the research. They provide immediate insight into the contents of the examined corpus without the necessity of traditional reading and browsing through hundreds of pages of documents. It makes it possible to significantly shorten the analysis of texts and select the most relevant fragments for in-depth analysis.
Keyword extraction and analysis method based mainly on the use of YAKE! written in the Python programming language can be used to establish critical topics for the documents under study. Visualization of the network of connections of the most common lemmas in VOSViewer gives an insight into the thematic connections between them. It allows us to conclude the relationships between specific people, institutions and places in the studied corpus.
The analysis of the book prepared as part of the series “Polska mniej znana 1944–1989” edited by Marek Jabłonowski, Włodzimierz Janowski and Grzegorz Sołtysiak Kryzys grudniowy 1970 r. w świetle dokumentów i materiałów Komisji Władysława Kruczka i relacji obozu władzy is an example how statistical-quantitative and artificial intelligence support the evaluation of large text corpora. Further studies in the use of modern research methods in social sciences are sure to discover more examples of their application and lead to the establishment of digital social sciences on a larger scale than is currently the case.
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6. Maryl, M., Piasecki, M., Walkowiak, T., (2018) Literary Exploration Machine A Web-Based Application for Textual Scholars In: Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 147:11, s. 128–144.
7. Pęzik, P. (2016) WiKNN Text Classifier, CLARIN-PL digital repository, http://hdl.handle.net/11321/277.
8. Sarkar, D. (2019) Text Analytics with Python. A practical real-world approach to gaining actionable insights from your data, Bangalore.
9. Walkowiak T., Datko S., Maciejewski H. (2019) Distance metrics in Open-Set Classification of Text Documents by Local Outlier Factor and Doc2Vec. In: Wotawa F., Friedrich G., Pill I., Koitz-Hristov R., Ali M. (eds) Advances and Trends in Artificial Intelligence. From Theory to Practice. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11606. Springer, Cham.
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1. Cat (N/D). Downloaded 1.02.2022 from https://clarin-pl.eu/index.php/cat/
2. CompCorp (N/D). Downloaded 1.02.2022 from https://clarin-pl.eu/index.php/comcorp/
3. LEM – Literacki Eksplorator Maszynowy (N/D). Downloaded 1.02.2022 from https://ws.clarin-pl.eu/lem.shtml
4. Tokenizer (N/D). Downloaded 1.02.2022 from https://ws.clarin-pl.eu/tokenizer.shtml
1 It can be translated as “Poland less known 1944–1989”.
2 The December crisis of 1970 in the light of the documents and materials of the Commission of Władysław Kruczek and the reports of the government camp.
3 Originally „wyrazy (wyrażenia) języka naturalnego, użyte do opisu tekstów dokumentów w celu ich późniejszego wyszukiwania”. Translated by the author of the article.
4 It can be translated as decision, shipyard, situation, Kliszka, Gdańsk, December.
5 Which refers to an hour, shipyard, December, decision, Gdańsk, Kliszka, work, situation.
6 In English: proper names adjectives, buildings, living creatures, products (human products), locations, others, organisations and their components, events.
7 System rządów, niepokoje społeczne, zamieszki, konflikty i wojna, historia oraz władza wykonawcza.
8 December, Gdańsk, Gdynia, Kociołek, executive and shipyard.
9 member, committee, meeting, PPL, Władysław and Gdańsk