On the estimation of the remainder term in the multidimensional integral limit theorem for the stable limit law
J. Banys
V. Kapsukas Vilnius State University
Published 1969-12-15

How to Cite

Banys, J. (1969) “On the estimation of the remainder term in the multidimensional integral limit theorem for the stable limit law”, Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 9(4), pp. 731–739. doi:10.15388/LMJ.1969.20815.


The abstracts (in two languages) can be found in the pdf file of the article.

Original author name(s) and title in Russian and Lithuanian:

И. И. Банис. Об оценке остаточного члена в многомерной интегральной предельной теореме при сходимости к устойчивому закону

J Banys. Liekamojo nario įvertinimas daugiamatėje integralinėje ribinėje teoremoje stabilaus ribinio dėsnio atveju



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