The problems of mathematics education at secondary schools and gymnasia
Antanas Apynis
Vilniaus universitetas
Edmundas Mazėtis
Lietuvos edukologijos universitetas
Published 2011-12-15


mathematics education
mathematics education curriculum
school graduation examination
complementary mathematics education
mathematics competitions
mathematics teachereducation
matematinis ugdymas
matematinio ugdymo programa
brandos egzaminas
papildomas matematinis ugdymas
matematikos konkursai
matematikos mokytojų rengimas

How to Cite

Apynis, A. and Mazėtis, E. (2011) “The problems of mathematics education at secondary schools and gymnasia”, Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys, 52(proc. LMS), pp. 67–71. doi:10.15388/LMR.2011.me03.


The article reviews the ties between secondary schools/gymnasia and universities, and also discusses complementary mathematics education. Major attention is directed to the general mathematics curricula of general education and secondary education. A proposal of developing an integral mathematics education curriculum for gymnasium as well as withdrawing the state school graduation curriculum (by organising the examination under the general mathematics education curriculum) has been put forward.




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