Development of primary school pupils' cognitive abilities in the activity and cooperative mathematics
Arkadijus Kiseliovas
Siauliu University
Danutė Kiseliova
Siauliu University
Published 2000-12-18

How to Cite

Kiseliovas, A. and Kiseliova, D. (2000) “Development of primary school pupils’ cognitive abilities in the activity and cooperative mathematics”, Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys, 40(spec.), pp. 220–225. doi:10.15388/LMR.2000.35131.


The mathematics set for primary school in the World of Mathematics is treated as activity, com­munication and cooperative mathematics developing pupils' cognitive abilities. The importance of mathematics activity verbalization and its relations with different child orientated educational sys­tems taking into account the pupil's interests, inclinations, wish to communicate and study have been emphasized.

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