Preliminary diagnostics of mathematical achievements of 4th class pupils
Sigitas Balčiūnas
Siauliu University
Danutė Kiseliova
Siauliu University
Arkadijus Kiseliovas
Siauliu University
Published 1998-12-14

How to Cite

Balčiūnas, S., Kiseliova, D. and Kiseliovas, A. (1998) “Preliminary diagnostics of mathematical achievements of 4th class pupils ”, Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys, 38(II), pp. 221–228 . doi:10.15388/LMD.1998.37820.


In the article is presented an information about experimental measurement of 4 the class pupils' mathematical knowledge and skills. Also is given a methodological schedule of the test, test results interpretation in aspect of living place, predilection for mathematics, learning strategy of mathematics.

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