Acta Museologica Lithuanica
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Author Guidelines

Journal “Acta Museologica Lithuanica” publishes original scholarly articles in the field of museology, which have not been publicised anywhere else. The journal covers themes such as: history of museums, collecting and musealization; museum collecting, storage, research, record keeping, preservation, conservation and restoration; theoretical museology and metamuseology; museum expositions and exhibition, communication of immovable cultural heritage, virtual museums and the use of digital technologies in museums; museum education and communication; museum management and museum policy. Journal also publishes museological scientific research and sources, scientific reviews of new books, museum expositions and exhibition.
Articles are published in Lithuanian, English and Russian. Non-English articles include a summary in English. All “Acta Museologica Lithuanica” articles are peer-reviewed by two reviewers.
Articles published in the journal must meet the standards of scientific texts: they need to formulate a scientific problem, examine how well the discussed issue has been explored, specify the objective of the article, its object and methods, and provide the results of scientific research and findings. The author of an article is responsible for the article’s content and illustrations, its originality and authenticity, the truthfulness and validity of scientific material and the quality of writing

Requirements for articles:
1. A heading should be informative. Subheadings could be used if required.
2. The name(s) of an article’s author(s) should be indicated, including other details such as an academic degree and title, the name of the author(s) scientific institution, address, phone number, e-mail.
3. A short annotation (600–800 characters).
4. A list of keywords.
5. The length of an article should range between 35 000 and 60 000 characters. Text should be written according to the grammar rules of the language in with the article is written, including spelling, punctuation and capitalisation  rules, number and data formats, etc.
6. Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the page.
7. A summary in English (1 500–3 000 characters).
8. Bibliographic references to sources should be between round brackets and include the author’s name, year of publication and page(s), for example: (Name 2007, 15-17).
9. A bibliographic list of sources should be provided at the end of an article in accordance with The Chicago Manual of Style. More information at <> (use Author-Date system). Particulars written in Cyrillic should be neither transliterated nor transcribed.
10. The list of illustrations should be provided at the end of an article. The names of illustrations should be given in Lithuanian and English for articles in Lithuanian or in Russian and English for articles in Russian. References to illustrations should be included in the text, written in brackets, for example: (Fig. 5).

Article manuscripts should be e-mailed in RTF format, line spacing – 2, font – Times New Roman 12 pt. Illustrations should be provided in separate files (not included in the text of an article).

Illustrations should be sent in the following formats:
Raster graphics (photographs, drawings, schemas, diagrams, etc) – .jpeg or .tiff, with at least 400 dpi resolution and at least 1500 X 1200 px.
Vector graphics – .svg, .dxf
Sound – .wav, .aiff, .mp3
Moving image – .avi, .mj2
Virtual reality – .x3d, .vrml
3D scanned images – .x3d

Articles for publishing are summited and the journal’s printed issues are obtained at:
Editorial Board of “Acta Museologica Lithuanica”
Faculty of Communication
Vilnius University
Saulėtekio al. 9, I block, 511 room
Phone: +370 5 219 3290<

The authors of improperly drafted articles will be informed by e-mail.
Articles are published only after author(s) have signed a licence agreement.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.