Evaluation of the results after hallux valgus deformity correction using the Lapidus procedure and Z-osteotomy
Original research work
Julius Janavičius
Manvilius Kocius
Published 2015-01-01


hallux valgus
foot deformity
Lapidus procedure

How to Cite

Janavičius J, Kocius M. Evaluation of the results after hallux valgus deformity correction using the Lapidus procedure and Z-osteotomy. LS [Internet]. 2015 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];13(4):244-8. Available from: https://journals.vu.lt./lietuvos-chirurgija/article/view/5109


To evaluate the number of complications and patients` satisfaction after hallux valgus deformity correction using the Lapidus procedure and Z-osteotomy.
Matherials and methods
Seventy patients (mean age 51.9 years; 4 men and 66 women) who underwent hallux valgus deformity correction using the Lapidus procedure (L group) or Z-osteotomy (Z group), were studied not less than 2 years after the operation. Before the operation, all patients had a 16–23° angle between the first and the second metatarsals. Physical examination, MTP1 joint
amplitude measurement and X-rays of operated feet were performed. Also, patients were asked about the postoperative complications. To evaluate the satisfaction of patients, the visual analog scale (VAS) was used.
The studied patients (4 male and 76 female) had 80 operated feet; 40 (50%) operations were performed using the Lapidus procedure and 40 (50%) Z-osteotomy. In 61% of cases, there was at least one complication. The frequency of complications did not differ in the groups (p > 0.05). Cases of MTP1 arthrosis were similar in both groups (p > 0.05).There was a correlation
between patients` satisfaction after operation and the number of complications, r = 0.44 (p < 0.05).
Patients’ satisfaction after operation correlates with the number of complications. There was no difference between patients`satisfaction after operation and the frequency of complications after the Lapidus procedure and Z-osteotomy.



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