Primary pulmonary plasmacytoma: a case report
Clinical Practice
Andreja Arsovski
Liljana Stojanovska
Sasho Banev
Zoran Dimitrov
Published 2015-02-19


primary pulmonary plasmacytoma
extramedullary plasmacytoma
plasma cell neoplasm

How to Cite

Arsovski A, Stojanovska L, Banev S, Dimitrov Z. Primary pulmonary plasmacytoma: a case report. LS [Internet]. 2015 Feb. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];13(4):252-7. Available from:


Extramedullary plasmacytoma is a plasma cell malignancy that most commonly occurs in the upper respiratory tract. These tumors account for less than 5% from all plasma cell neoplasms. In most of the cases, tumor first appears in the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract, mainly in the paranasal sinuses. When only located in the lower respiratory tract (primary pulmonary plasmacytoma), the diagnosis is difficult and is usually based on the pathological findings from excised tissue.
Case report
We present one case of primary pulmonary plasmacytoma, which accidentally was diagnosed in our hospital, and this is the first case of primary pulmonary plasmacytoma reported in our country. In the present article, we describe a primary pulmonary plasmacytoma (PPP) of the right lower lobe without loco-regional lymph node involvement, treated radically. The histological finding was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. There was no clinical evidence for the presence of multiple myeloma.
Primary pulmonary plasmacytoma present a rare neoplasm which could be differentially diagnostically classified as adenocarcinoma. The diagnosis of this tumor is based on pathological findings from excised tissue. The radical surgical treatment presents primary treatment option and, if there are no signs of the dissemination of the disease or of the presence of multiple myeloma, adjuvant chemotherapy is not needed.



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