Alternate debridement methods for treatment of the forearm and hand deep dermal burns
Clinical Practice
Ernest Zacharevskij
Domantas Rainys
Justas Keršulis
Ina Azarovičiūtė
Rytis Rimdeika
Published 2015-03-31


hydrocolloid dressing
laser Doppler imaging

How to Cite

Zacharevskij E, Rainys D, Keršulis J, Azarovičiūtė I, Rimdeika R. Alternate debridement methods for treatment of the forearm and hand deep dermal burns. LS [Internet]. 2015 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];14(1):52-60. Available from:


Treatment of forearm and hand burns is distinguished for specificity. Anatomically-important and delicate structures fit into a relatively limited space, coated with skin without a thick subcutaneous layer. Hand and forearm burned area tissue surgical debridement is technically difficult, too aggressive to the remaining healthy dermis and reduces the chance of burn wound self epithelisation. Surgical necrectomy can lead to serious complications, therefore it should be done delicately or alternative debridement method should be chosen. According to scientific data, a sterling and selective removal of non-viable tissue leads to faster wound epithelization, reduces the risk of scarring and induces a better functional recovery. Article observes advantages of mechanical, autolytic, enzymatic necrectomy methods for the treatment of deep partial thickness hand and forearm burns.



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