Author Guidelines
Style Sheet
Author guidelines in PDF format
The journal of literature Literatūra focuses on research into various literatures and cultures. It publishes articles, academic reviews and reports of conferences. Proceedings of conferences are also invited.
The peer-review process will be initiated only if the manuscript:
- is written in good English language and edited by a native speaker of English; papers below the standard for the journal will be returned to the authors and can be rejected for this reason alone.
- is a technically as well as grammatically correct copy;
- satisfies the formal requirements of the journal.
Please follow the instructions below.
Papers submitted for publication should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. They are reviewed by at least two anonymous referees. The journal uses double blind peer review policy.
All manuscripts in an electronic version should be sent to editors-in-chief of the respective issue:
Literature 1 (Lithuanian literature):
Literature 2 (Slavic literatures): galina
Literature 3 (Classical literature):
Literature 4 (Western literature):
Manuscripts are sent in two formats: MS Word (*.doc or *.docx ) and Portable Document Format (*.pdf). Please check the converted PDF for formatting errors (margins, paragraphing, charts, pictures, etc.)
Papers should not exceed 40, 000 characters in length. Papers should be prepared according to the requirements set out below in one of the following languages: English, French, Italian, German, Lithuanian or Russian. If the language of the paper is not a native language of the author(s), the paper should be proof-read by a native-language specialist to check its correctness.
It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that the final version of their paper fully conforms to this style sheet.
The author(s) warrant that their paper is original and no property rights (including copyright or other intellectual property rights) of any third parties have been violated. Literatūra follows the policy of screening for plagiarism. The authors will be required to sign a licence agreement and an honesty declaration. Articles published in Literatūra are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).
Since the journal follows a double blind review policy, the author(s) have to submit two versions of the paper. Version one should be prepared according to this style sheet and version two should have all author identifying features removed both from the text of the article and from the document properties.
If you chose to submit by email, please send three documents containing the following information:
- Author
- Author's name and surname
- Academic affiliation
- Email address
- Please include ORCiD.
- Please provide your institutions ROR.
In case if there is more than one author, please provide an explanation at the end of the article detailing each author's contributions according to the CRediT criteria. Reference: CRediT_Taxonomy_Terms_and_Definitions_list.
- Example: Author contributions
John Jonsered: conceptualization, methodology, formal analysis, investigation, writing - original draft, writing - review & editing, visualization. Lucy Schneider: conceptualization, methodology, formal analysis, investigation, writing - original draft, writing - review & editing.
- Abstract
- Title of the paper
- Abstract in the language of the paper (up to 200 words)
- Keywords in the language of the paper (up to 5)
- Abstract in English (up to 200 words)
- Keywords in English (up to 5), for indexing purposes
- Abstract in Lithuanian (if possible, otherwise the editors will provide a translation of the abstract)
- Keywords in Lithuanian (up to 5) (if possible, otherwise the editors will translate the keywords for you)
- Manuscript
- Title
- Main body of the paper (please divide the paper into sections and name them accordingly)
- References.
* Please place notes as footnotes rather than endnotes.
Structure and form
Papers submitted for publication should correspond to the general requirements of research papers and cover the following points: the research question/problem and aim, review of previous research on the subject, methodology/theoretical framework, analysis, conclusions and references. Papers that do not conform to the requirements will be returned to the authors for revision before further processing.
Papers should be organised on A4 paper size with a 1.5 cm margin on the right and 2.5 cm margins on the top, left and bottom; the pages should be numbered beginning with the title page at the top right corner of the page. The authors should use 1.5 spacing between the lines throughout the paper. The font is 12 pt Times New Roman. The text should be justified left.
The paper should contain:
- the title of the paper, 14 pt, bold
- the full name(s) in bold and affiliation(s) of the author(s), 12 pt. The affiliation should be given in the language of the publication in full, including departments/centres.
(3) Abstract
It should contain no more than 200 words and be in the language of the publication, English, and Lithuanian.
(4) Keywords: a list of 5 keywords in the language of the publication, separated by commas. Articles written in other languages than English should have keywords both in the language of the publication, English, and Lithuanian.
The Other, the New, and the Old. Three Images of Leith in Irvine Welsh’s Porno
Deividas Zibalas
Department of English Philology
Institute of English, Romance and Classical Studies
Vilnius University
If the paper is written in any other language of the journal except Lithuanian, there should be an abstract in Lithuanian. The abstracts should bear the title (in bold, 14 pt) and below it, the author’s first and last names, and the word Abstract (12 pt) in the next line. Below the body of the article, the author’s address and e-mail address (hyperlink should be removed) should be indicated together with the date of the article’s submission for publication.
The text
The text should be divided into sections and subsections, each of them titled. The title should be in bold type.
Figures and tables (12 pt) should be numbered and titled separately under the figure/table. The illustrations will be printed black and white, their resolution should not be less than 300 dpi.
Use italics for foreign words (especially et al.); use bold face for emphasis. Use square brackets [like this] for personal additions.
Quotations. Short quoted sections in the running text should be enclosed in double quotation marks “like this” (the original citation is given in round brackets). Use single quotes for special forms, for quotations within quotations, and for paraphrases of (foreign) words. Quotations longer than three lines (ca. 40 words) should be given in a separate indented paragraph (5 pt) in italics.
Footnotes set in 10 pt should be numbered consecutively throughout the text using superscript Arabic numerals.
List of Abbreviations should precede References.
References in the text
The authors are expected to provide references by adopting Harvard style. All references should be given at the appropriate point in the text in brackets (author’s name or title of publication, year of publication, comma, page(s) referred to, if relevant), like this: (Leach, 2004, pp. 4–5; Hill, 1999, p.4). Different sources of reference should be separated by semi-colons (Lindley, 1992; Shohat, 1997). In quoting different sources attributed to the same author and the same year, please use lower case letters to distinguish: (Mitchell, 2017a, p. 189) or Mitchell (2017b, p. 189). If there are two or more references whose authors have the same surname, please add the initial of the name to distinguish, as in (Smith, A. 1997; Smith, L. 1997; Smith, S. 1998). When a segment is omitted in the quote, please indicate [...].
If letters of Slavic or some other non-Latin alphabet have been used, the names and titles should be transliterated. Transliteration follows the BSI system.
Include the hyperlink, DOI, or another persistent identifier associated with the cited source.
Here are some examples:
Book by a single author
In-text citation: Jameson (191, p.38) or (Jameson, 1991, p. 38)
In the list of references: Jameson, F., 1991. Postmodernism or, the cultural logic of late capitalism. Durham: Duke University Press.
Book by several authors
In-text citation: Ashcroft and his co-authors (1995, pp.25-26) or (Ashcroft et al., 1995, pp. 25-26)
In the list of references: Ashcroft, B., Griffiths, G., Tiffin, H., 1995. The post-colonial studies reader. London: Routledge.
Book chapter
In-text citation: Beal (2020, p.297) or (Beal, 2020, p.297)
In the list of references: Beal, T., 2020. Introduction to religion and its monsters. In: J.F.Weinstock, ed. The monster theory reader. Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press.
Journal article
In-text citation: Tuckman (2018, p. 387) or (Tuckman, 2018, p. 387)
In the list of references: Tuckman, M., 2018. Hopkins’s impatience. Modern Philology, 115(3), pp.371-390. [Accessed 20 November 2022].
Archival material
In-text citation: (Brown, 1915)
In the list of references: Brown, P.S., 1915. An address to the farmer. [manuscript] Holdbury Collection. 600. London: Holdbury Library.
PhD thesis
In-text citation: Duvezin-Caubet (2019, p. 12) or (Duvezin-Caubet, 2019, p.12)
In the list of references: Duvezin-Caubet, C. 2019. Dragons à vapeur: vers une poétique de la fantasy néo-victorienne con- temporaine. DEd Université Côte d’Azur. Available at <> [Accessed 10 September 2022].
For more details on the Harvard style of referencing, please see
Reference list
All data sources works cited in the text, and only those, should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper in separate sections under the heading References. Each reference entry is given in a separate paragraph; the second line of the paragraph is indented by 10 pt. All lexical words are capitalized only in the Names of Periodicals; only the first word is capitalized in the Titles of books (proper names, etc. are exceptions). Papers written in languages other than Lithuanian should provide translations of Lithuanian, Latvian, Russian, Polish book and article titles in brackets. Please follow the pattern given below:
Ivanauskaitė, Jurga. 1997. Kelionė į Šambalą. [A journey to Shambhala]. Vilnius: Tyto alba.
Ashcroft, B., Griffiths, G., and Tiffin, H., 1995. The post-colonial studies reader. London: Routledge.
Barker, R., Kirk, J. and Munday, R.J., 1988. Narrative analysis. 3rd ed. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Beal, T., 2020. Introduction to religion and its monsters. In: J.F. Weinstock, ed. The monster theory reader. Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press.
Brown, P.S., 1915. An address to the farmer. [manuscript] Holdbury Collection. 600. London: Holdbury Library.
Cookson, J. and Church, S. eds., 2007. Leisure and the tourist. [e-book] Wallingford: ABS Publishers. Available at: Google Books <> [Accessed 9 June 2008].
Duvezin-Caubet, C. 2019. Dragons à vapeur: vers une poétique de la fantasy néo-victorienne con- temporaine. DEd Université Côte d’Azur. Available at <> [Accessed 10 September 2022].
Dostoevski, F., 1972–1990. Polnoe sobranie sočinenij: V 30-ti tomah. Leningrad: Nauka.
Jameson, F., 1991. Postmodernism or, the cultural logic of late capitalism. Durham: Duke University Press.
Levine, G., 2019. Victorian excess and the Darwinian aesthetic. Victorian Studies, 26(1), pp. 9-34. [Accessed 20 July 2020].
McEwan, I., 2020. Machines like me. London: Vintage.
Reilly, Charlie. 2006. An interview with John Updike. Contemporary Literature 43(2), pp.217–248.
Tuckman, M., 2018. Hopkins’s impatience. Modern Philology, 115(3), pp.371-390. [Accessed 20 November 2022].
The European Accessibility Act, which requires e-publications to be accessible to all, including blind and partially sighted individuals, came into force in 2025. We will ensure that the e-files are properly prepared; however, you need to describe the tables and illustrations in your article in a way that a blind person can understand.
For examples of illustration descriptions, refer to the Guide to Image Descriptions – Place your description under the table or illustration in square brackets [ ] to provide a clear explanation. These descriptions will not be visible in the final version but are essential for language editors and layout artists during production.
Each year the deadline for submission to Literatūra is July 15.
The authors are welcome to submit papers electronically in Microsoft Word document format through the OJs on the webpage of Literatūra ( or by email to the relevant issue. Emailed submissions should be accompanied by a letter which declares that the paper is original, i.e. has not been published previously and is not submitted for publication in any other journal or book resubmissions must be declared as such.
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Please read the Copyright Notice in Journal Policy.
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.