Paper Promotion

Senoji Lietuvos literatūra
Paper Promotion

Publisher does it’s best to increase the visibility of the published papers. However, there are some key things where you as the author can help to promote the Journal and to maximize the impact of your published research significantly. 

Register for an ORCID iD, get an author identifier and include details of published papers to your profile. ORCID iD provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you as an author from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognised.

You may choose to deposit your paper's research data to community-recognised repositories where possible, or to general-science repositories if no community resource is available. By making your research data available you can help promote your published research, raise your profile by making your research more discoverable, and further encourage citations.

Join academic, social networks and update your profile with details of your published papers: ResearchGateAcademia.eduMendeleyGoogle Scholar.

In facilitating saved searches and setting alerts, creating a Google Scholar profile will allow you to track citations to your publications, and have them appear in Google Scholar search results for your name.

Share your papers via social media platforms using links to the papers on the Journal website: LinkedInTwitterFacebook, and many others.

Alert your followers on social networking sites by announcing your published work along with a link to your paper.

To encourage sharing – use hashtags relevant to your subject and tag co-authors or department colleagues who may also want to share your paper.

You can also use social media platforms as a collaborative space to share with fellow researchers using links to the papers on the Journal website.

Highlight your professional accomplishments and areas of expertise by adding paper details and links to your LinkedIn and/or department profile.

You can also install the free Altmetric Bookmarklet to see if anyone has mentioned your research.

Alert your followers on social networking sites by announcing your published work along with a link to your paper.

To encourage sharing - use hashtags relevant to your subject and tag co-authors or department colleagues who may also want to share your paper.

You can also use social media platforms as a collaborative space to share with fellow researchers using links to the papers on the Journal website.

Always include links to your papers and link to your website in your email signature, and on all of your online and social media profiles, to get maximum exposure. You can also add links to your academic, social networks, LinkedInTwitterFacebook, and other accounts.

Find a Wikipedia page about your research topic and add a link to your paper.

Share your paper with your colleagues using e-mail. Take advantage of any relevant email newsletters sent out through your institution or society. Add a link to your email signature, or simply email a link to key colleagues and contacts in your field.

Highlight your professional accomplishments and areas of expertise by adding paper details and links to your LinkedIn and/or department profile.

Update your faculty website and create a professional website with the bibliographic entries of your papers and links to the papers on the Journal website.

Creating a personal, professional website with your research findings, achievements, publications and ambitions gives people a better sense of who you are. Post videos or images to create a buzz around posters or conference presentations.

Present your papers at conferences. Presenting and networking personalize your work, giving it a face and a voice, and it can create new opportunities for collaboration.

Optimize your SEO to ensure your papers appear higher in the results returned by search engines such as Google and Google Scholar, and other. A few SEO guidelines:

  1. Use keywords, especially in the title and abstract.
  2. Add captions with keywords to all photographs, images, graphs and tables.
  3. Add titles or subheadings (with keywords) to the different sections of your paper.
  4. Make sure there are as many links as possible to your paper, e.g. from your institute's website, Wikipedia, LinkedIn, (influential) blogs, and social media.

  • Add your journal paper to your course reading list (if appropriate)
  • Recommend your paper to colleagues for use in the classroom
  • Present at national or regional conferences, and be sure to include mention of your published
  • do interviews about your research